Erin and Paul were married at the same small church in Spartanburg where her parents and several other family members also were married.

The stained glass windows were amazing--very thick glass with the most vibrant colors you've ever seen! The sun just streamed in all throughout the ceremony.

The basement had really funky murals that the youth group must have painted. Perfect backdrop for some dramatic portraits...

Erin's three nephews were all involved in the wedding, and they were so excited to be a part of the day. The little ring bearer was SO excited that Aunt Erin said he could keep the ring pillow! He was the first person to congratulate them after the ceremony. :-)

I love this one! How amazing is the light from those windows??

Some happy "alone time" before moving on the reception. I'm going to have to do a separate post for the reception--just too many to choose from!

Congratulations Erin and Paul!
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