Ashley and Garron had a gorgeous wedding in May at Rock Barn Golf and Spa in Conover, NC. I LOVE outdoor weddings, and this one was perfect--tons of bright flowers, a warm sunny day, lots of friends and family, many personal touches, and a super-fun reception. Ashley's Maid of Honor was my close friend Marilynn, and I've enjoyed becoming friends with Ashley over the months as she's planned for the wedding, we shot her portraits, went out on the town for her bachelorette party, and finally celebrated her marriage to Garron. As with Ashley's bridal portraits, I have waaaaay too many favorites to choose from, so I'm just going to let the photos speak for themselves!
Gorgeous details and the "Rock Barn" initials...
Ashley's colors were shades of yellow and navy...
When I went to take photos of Garron and the guys, I found them practicing their putting. Hey, how long does it take to put on a suit, anyway? Pleeeeenty of time to improve their game before the ceremony! :-)
Getting some last minute touch-ups...
...and checking out the crowd to see who's arriving!
This was such a sweet moment as the minister prayed God's blessing over the rings and the union they symbolize.
And nothing but joy as those rings go on!
On to the reception...
And finally...the happy couple!
Congratulations Ashley and Garron! You guys have the most wonderful family and friends, and I am so glad you chose me to be a part of your wedding. Can't wait to come to the beach and see y'all again soon!
Family and Friends: Be on the lookout in the next week or two for the online posting info for all the proofs!!
LOVE the lighting on the cake and the B&W of the back of the dress!!! You are a true artist. That's why you are OUR photographer! Tammy and Cecil
these are so good! i can't wait to see the rest!
your ring and cake shot rocked my face off amy!!!! love the golfing shot too!!
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