A-maz-ing. Tammy and Cecil's small morning wedding was held in a tiny little church in Highlands, NC, up a winding, woodsy path; theirs will be the last wedding the "Church in the Wildwood" ever hosts. They are unbelievably in love, and their ceremony was so spontaneous and emotional and real. Their singer had an angelic voice, and during her second song the bridesmaids were crying, Cecil's mom was crying, Tammy was crying, and the almost-newlyweds were basically slow-dancing during the song. It was beautiful, and I couldn't help but cry with them!
Fortunately, I can sniffle and shoot at the same time. I promised Cecil a sneak peek before I get the "real" blog post up; what you're about to see is just the tip of the iceburg in terms of smoking-hotness! Tammy and Cecil are SO not scared to do whatever I ask, including lay in a bee-filled patch of wildflowers and pull off the side of the road on a whim, not to mention the massive quantities of chemistry these two have!

During the ceremony...so sweet...no wonder we all teared up, right?

I'm at a loss for words, I just love this shot!


Their after-work reception was back in Greenville at The Lazy Goat--super cool lounge-y feel with awesome views of the Reedy River...

How's that for a preview, folks? :-)
I'm blown away. Speechless! Tammy
that IS one tasty preview! love the shot in the field amy! love.it!
Thanks for the sneak at these pictures; they of course are out of this world. I can’t wait to see the rest!!
Thanks again for a wonderful job.
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