Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wedding Festival!

I had a great time at the Wedding Festival Saturday, and enjoyed a fun dinner afterwards with some awesome photographers from the area. And then I slept all day today, hehe. 

For all of the super sweet brides (and grooms and moms and friends!) I met at the Wedding Festival, thank you for taking the time to stop by and look at my work. I know there is an overwhelming amount of information to take in at an event like that, and it's hard to get to know someone in that brief time! I can't wait to hear from you again so we can talk in more detail about your wedding. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading the blog and checking out my work from the past year. Talk to you soon! 

Here are a few more photos of my booth. :-) 


Liz Hellams said...

Amy, your booth looks incredible and the chandeliers add the perfect touch! (they are incredible in and of themselves!)and I love the way all your photo's are displayed, I'm sure it made quite an impression. I'm excited that you've gotten your first "foot in the door" with the new ACP look and hope that this event will bring a lot of brides who want to take advantage of your photographing talent.

Anonymous said...

I think your set up looked great!
